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June 2019

The event diary: an easy, practical, and really effective operating module!

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Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

With more than 9 million hourly points (on average for an urban network for a period of 231 days, from September to June), the "Event Diary" is a determining factor in the performance of data management. It impacts the coordination and regulation of operations, as well as the processing of complaints, billing, the dashboard for Transit Authorities and even more!

At the beginning, the event diary was necessary to monitor operations on strike days: to inform the Transit Authority of the availability of services, to manage a specific offer, to ensure daily information during these complicated periods. The event diary then appeared as a tool to qualify the operation of the service during the day. The event diary notifies a prejudice that has occurred, compared to the fixed load plan. In order to determine the difference between the forecast and the actual, a processing unit must be used: the service (a set of journeys carried out according to a plan entrusted to an agent, this is the basic unit of the scheduling process).

The event diary can be managed in several ways: with a paper support and/or by a specific digital application. It can also be directly connected to the Theoretical repository of time points. A simple ergonomics allows then to point directly to the point(s) to be considered to notify the relevant information concerning a precise event (all in 3 clicks with for example the +50 000 time points of the day of Tuesday - reference day, or the +280 000 time points for a "school" week! The input of the event is facilitated, with a great finesse and accuracy of information, which will then allow to give use value to these input data.

Indeed, the primary function of the event diary is optimized:

1. The seizure of the events is fast and is immediately integrated in the coordination and the regulation of the exploitation.

And other uses will be directly possible;

2. Invoicing > with a precise knowledge of the km carried out (compared to the theoretical plan), the module will be able to feed the invoicing interfaces of the subcontracting partner companies;

3 The cause tree > a synthetic exploitation of the problems encountered, with a pre-coding of the events (vehicle, line, stop...) and an automation in the formalization for the Transit Authority (Annexes 5 and 5bis of the Île-de-France Transit Authority);

4. Complaints > the use of the event diary allows quick access to unperformed or late runs, which avoids recourse to the time-consuming "replay" procedures of the AVL;

5. Statistics > all events are qualified and centralized in a database (without data re-entry), which allows for numerous statistics (event typology, breakdown by criteria - lines, periods, etc.), and provides elements for understanding the failures encountered;

6. Dashboards > an automated flow (and thus a strong saving of time) can feed the analysis and synthesis reports for the Transit Authority;

7. Quality of service > the quality of the event diary allows to enhance the quality of service, with the generation of operating quality indicators and summary marketing contents.


The event diary thus appears as an opportunity to give value to data - event, in its qualification, its processing and its direct exploitation on many determining uses of the exploitation and the studies. The objective is simple: a data captured once must be fully exploited!


Camtek has developed a specific event diary plugin, named DXG, which can be directly applied to your operation and control systems. The implementation, the tests, the training, and the parameterization of the automation flows are proposed over 3 days.

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The event diary: an easy, practical, and really effective operating module!

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