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March 2020

Spotlights on the Mobility

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Photo by Daniel Tafjord on Unsplash

In this new, complex period of behavioural changes linked to health evolution, we are invited to reflect on the need to move and then, on the evolution of transportation.

At the stage 3 of pandemic, public transportation is directly implicated. We have to think about our whereabouts, this organic need that will have to rethink to continue to maintain it. Transportation is already being on the spotlight concerning the environmental issue. With the health crisis, it is called into question. It is therefore imperative to find an intelligent compromise between risks and aspirations for travel. Making appear a new systematic approach, and a change in our habits.

Since the yellow jacket’s crisis, the strike of late 2019-beginning 2020, moving can be difficult and a source of tension. The variables of the 'travel' equation are mainly: Travel time (and therefore its optimization) and quality of service (and therefore its maximization). How can this equation be solved so that public transport takes precedence over other modes (and their combinations)? Other questions arise: Do we have to travel so much? Why do we travel?

Some solutions exist and are a source of inspiration. We can take as example business hubs that are positioned at nodes of residential areas. Instead of having a long journey to reach the workplace, it becomes possible to settle in a hub at fifteen minutes of its residence (at 5 km max).

The research areas are mainly urban planning and public transportation. The intensification of neighbourhoods is one of them by allowing greater proximity between work and home. The residential housing is probably the most complicated to change, which is not so much the case for the urbanization of service sector companies. Indeed, digital technology has made it possible to deconcentrate business locations. The use of remote work almost imposed by the authorities, is a good proof of this: It is indeed possible to move tertiary activities.

Following this perspective, we will soon see that the concentration of companies in sites/ places/ districts such as La Defense is not a necessity. One could begin to dream of small facilities linked by digital technology (videoconferencing, Internet, Cloud) allowing both the conservation of the productivity of companies and the use of means of travel with a short range (bus, shuttle, scooter, bicycles).

The notion of radius of action is, in our opinion, essential. It encourages a new reading of our movements and the means to be implemented. Mobility evolves according to the constraints and aspirations of each individual. By multiplying hubs, travel is revised, journey times are reduced, with a smaller number of passengers per journey and therefore an increased commercial speed. This approach also predicts well for the possibility of autonomous transit vehicles.

Playing on commercial speed would also be one way to increase the attractiveness of public transit. Often perceived as a constraint, transit should be the (fast) facilitator between the residence and the workplace. Public transportation can evolve, but with business and urban planning. So, the next question is, who will take the initiative?

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Spotlights on the Mobility




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