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June 2020

Agility, the key for more time availability

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Photo by ShareGrid on Unsplash

Everyone wants to be more agile, efficient, innovative, daring, to be better than their competitors, more efficient in their activity. Also, with the progression of remote work, flexibility is a must. We must continue to train on new solutions (standard or developed for business activities). All these solutions meet your needs, but do they allow you to reach your objectives directly, with agility?

Both standard solutions (such as MS Excel) and business-oriented solutions (such as SAP BusinessObjects) were designed to meet the widest range of uses and sectors, and therefore your needs, but also needs that are sometimes more distant. This is the job of software publishers. The ergonomics is optimized, but you still need to be trained to be comfortable and efficient. Sometimes it is a bit long, complicated, and it is often necessary to follow a dedicated training.

If the business specificities are important (in terms of functionalities, security, volume and type of data...), then a specification is required, and an ad hoc development is preferred. The solution (or even the ecosystem) is designed for you, it meets the listed needs; you ensure the supervision of the development. This is the job of the IT companies. Ergonomics is often studied, but it is above all the programming ecosystem, the business and budgetary constraints that dominate.


What about agility? Is it knowing how to train quickly to these solutions, understanding how a software works, adapting to new versions, and finally spending a lot of time on an activity related to its expertise? The software solution must facilitate and above all be perfectly adapted to achieve your objectives. It is therefore often interesting to develop specific modules for business use, interfaced with your software solutions. You must start from your objectives, analyse what your software does not allow, or with too much manual processing on your side. The specifications must correspond to your usage objectives. Starting from your needs would imply that you already know the solution. However, it is up to the IT partner to propose the solution. He will go beyond your needs, consider your ecosystem, and focus on the strategy and objectives.


These interfaces are innovative solutions, designed and built to meet your objectives. They are short developments in time and budget, often decisive, even if complex. We could talk about performance, optimization, productivity, it is about IT development, with an expertise in analysis and algorithmic. Agility is shared with specific computer interfaces for your uses, allowing you to simplify your processes to have the time necessary for your expertise. These interfaces will make you more agile!


Camtek develops plugins, by analysing the strategic and operational needs of its clients, as close as possible to the uses for an immediate integration, with time savings and confidence of use. For more information

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